Meeting documents

Standards Committee
Wednesday, 14 July 2010

standards referral sub-committee

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Assembly Room, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Thursday 3rd June 2010 from 10:00 am to 11:10 am.

Present: Mr Chris Maclean (Chairman), Councillor Lloyd Bowen and Parish Councillor John Mills.

Officers Present: Monica Blades-Chase, Philippa Davies, Donna Price and Sue Revell.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared


exclusion of the press and public


(1) That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

part b minutes for information


review of complaint no. sbc 0002/10

The Sub-Committee determined that on the information supplied by the complainant, there was no evidence to identify a potential breach of the Code of Conduct and, therefore, no further action is to be taken with regard to the complaint.


(1) That no further action be taken on the complaint.

review of complaint no. sbc 0003/10

The Sub-Committee determined that on the information supplied by the complainant, there was no evidence to identify a potential breach of the Code of Conduct and, therefore, no further action is to be taken with regard to the complaint.


(1) That no further action be taken on the complaint.

review of complaint no. sbc 0004/10

The Sub-Committee determined that on the information supplied by the complainant, there was no evidence to identify a potential breach of the Code of Conduct and, therefore, no further action is to be taken with regard to the complaint.


(1) That no further action be taken on the complaint.

review of complaint no. sbc 0005/10

The Sub-Committee determined that, if proven, there may have been potential breaches of the following paragraphs of the Code of Conduct:

Paragraph 3 (1)1) - You must treat others with respect;
Paragraph 3 (2)(b) - You must not bully any person;
Paragraph 5 - You must not conduct yourself in a manner which could reasonably be regarded as bringing your office or authority into disrepute.


(1) That this matter be referred to the Monitoring Officer for investigation.

review of complaint no. sbc 0006/10

The Sub-Committee determined that, if proven, there may have been potential breaches of the following paragraphs of the Code of Conduct:

Paragraph 3 (1)1) - You must treat others with respect;
Paragraph 3 (2)(b) - You must not bully any person;
Paragraph 5 - You must not conduct yourself in a manner which could reasonably be regarded as bringing your office or authority into disrepute.


(1) That this matter be referred to the Monitoring Officer for investigation.

review of complaint no. sbc 0007/10

The Sub-Committee determined that, if proven, there may have been potential breaches of the following paragraphs of the Code of Conduct:

Paragraph 3 (1)1) - You must treat others with respect;
Paragraph 5 - You must not conduct yourself in a manner which could reasonably be regarded as bringing your office or authority into disrepute.


(1) That this matter be referred to the Monitoring Officer for investigation.
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting